
At the Pet Food Store, the pet store in Milano-Portello di Iper La grande i, you will find experienced staff and a wide selection of specialized products, games and accessories for your pets. The 4-legged friends are part of the family and deserve the right attention. Iper La grande i knows this and for this reason he has taken care of the service of the Pet Food Store, the area dedicated to the sale of products for animals. Wide, well-lit lanes, recycled and natural materials, wide range of quality products for Pet friends; you can find this and much more at the Pet Food Store in Milan-Portello. Shopping at Iper is a pleasure and a moment of well-being, the same concept has also been applied to the area dedicated to the sale of Pet products. Hyper offers to the owners of 4-legged friends a wide assortment of products that totally cover the needs of those who have a pet.


Mon-Sun 9.00-21.00